Fathom Realty (Orem)

About Beau Gardner

Like you, we strive to have a positive impact on the communities we live in and leave them a little better than we found them. Creating a place where our children and families can flourish, feel supported, and simply safe. But it can be hard knowing how or even where to start. That’s why my mission is to help you give back to your community in a way that is personal to you. Whenever leaving a beloved neighborhood behind or before unpacking the first box in a new one, you should feel at peace knowing that your time in the community has been reinvested to make it even better. To support this, a portion of proceeds from your home purchase or sale will be donated to a charity within that community. Those funds could go toward helping other families combat homelessness, escape abuse and overcome addiction, or any number of other organizations that you feel passionate about. You might be looking for that first home for your family, downsizing, or simply a place that suits your current situation better. Together, we’re going to find a home you love and, more importantly, create a wave of positive change wherever you are.

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